
Where I´ve been

I´m terrible at goodbyes. In the days before I left for Argentina, I debated appropriate pre-departure posts and how exactly to break the news, but every idea fell apart as I stressed about which travel towel I´d be happier having with me on the journey.

On December 1, I arrived at a family farm in El Bolson, where I have been working as a volunteer, planting, weeding, milking, feeding a large, greedy, spotted pig named Chanchi, and spending evenings baking bread, making cheese, champagne, and empanadas.

Surrounded by gardens, where fruits and vegetables grow perceptably larger every day, it´s not surprising that my thoughts are still centered around food - what I´ll be eating, picking, and cooking for every meal.

Making almost all of what I eat with ingredients from the farm I´ve developed a deep appreciation for foods I´ve previously shyed away from - milk and mayonnaise, for example - and feel satisfied and deeply connected with whatever I eat. Working with fewer ingredients and supplies in the kitchen has also challenged and expanded both my palate and recipe book. I have a list two-pages long of recipes and experiences, and probably one hundred pictures to share when I´m back with my own computer, and can better process my experiences.

A really huge thanks to who ever is still checking, mostly you, Kyle Valade!

For now, Cynthia´s unbelievably easy mayonnaise recipe. It might not differ too much from others you´ll find, but I´ve found it irrestistably tasty.

Cynthia´s fresh-egg farm mayo
enough for sandwiches for four

one egg
one capful of store-bought lemon juice, or about 1/2 tbsp squeeshed fresh
about 1 tbsp salt
vegetable oil

Break the egg into a tall bowl. Add the salt and lemon juice. Using an immersion blender, combine the ingredients, blending constantly while slowly pouring little-by-little oil into the mixture. Watch carefully, after about only one minute the consistency should be thick and mayo-like. The mixutre is sensitive, be careful not to over mix or the mixture will cut and the ingredients will separate.

Keep refrigerated for several days.
You can also flavor with pepper, sundried tomatoes, mustard, basil, and others.

1 comment:

  1. so happy to know that you are doing well and eating yummy food. i want you to know that a jenny inspired banana bread is in the oven right now. i can't wait to eat it :)

    come back soon! love. love. love.
